Thirty-nine years after Rocky, and nine years after the last Rocky sequel, director Ryan Coogler served up a continuation/reboot of the Rocky story. This time, Balboa is not the center of the action. He reluctantly takes on the task of training Apollo...
Thirty-nine years after Rocky, and nine years after the last Rocky sequel, director Ryan Coogler served up a continuation/reboot of the Rocky story. This time, Balboa is not the center of the action. He reluctantly takes on the task of training Apollo Creed’s unknown love child, Adonis. Did he know about this kid before he was killed in the ring? (We never found out.) Does this kid possess the skills, the fight, and the heart his father did? (Would this be a Rocky-verse movie if he didn’t?) Do those American flag boxing shorts make an appearance? (You bet!)?
Is this is better film than any of the other Rocky films that preceded it? You decide.
This is one of Sebastian Brambila’s (@sebastian_brambila) favorite movies. He jumped in and also ran the board.
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50% Facts is a Spreaker Prime podcast on OCN – the Obscure Celebrity Network.
Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Sam McDonald and Sebastian Brambila. Theme by Aaron Moore. Branding by Joseph Manzo (@jmanzo523).
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