The “Superman from Compton” took YouTube in the 20-teens by way of a video called “The Strongest Man You’ve Never Heard Of.” Who was this man who “commanded” his arms to grow and reminded us over and over that it was indeed still our set?
The “Superman from Compton” took YouTube in the 20-teens by way of a video called “The Strongest Man You’ve Never Heard Of.” Who was this man who “commanded” his arms to grow and reminded us over and over that it was indeed still our set?
This documentary sketches a portrait of a man whose great personal warmth can’t be obscured by his sometimes rough and compromising demeanor. A man who took a difficult, often demeaning upbringing and transformed it into the power to motivate others online in ways few have.
Dean Saddoris chops it up with us again. Join our Discord for free at!
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Check out our podcast website: 50% Facts is a Spreaker Prime podcast on OCN – the Obscure Celebrity Network.
Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Sam McDonald and Sebastian Brambila.
Theme by Aaron Moore. Show art by Joseph Manzo (@jmanzo523)
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