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Dec. 11, 2019

Do you really have to break down muscle to build muscle? w/Miguel Blacutt

We’ve always heard that muscle grows when you break it down through exercise, lifting weights, etc. In fact, we’ve always been told that it was the ONLY way, but is that really true? We asked Miguel Blacutt , someone who has been intensely...

We’ve always heard that muscle grows when you break it down through exercise, lifting weights, etc. In fact, we’ve always been told that it was the ONLY way, but is that really true?

We asked Miguel Blacutt , someone who has been intensely interested in this subject, to catch us up on the latest research. He’s a Masters student in Applied Physiology at Columbia University, works as research assistant to Jeff Nippard, and is currently collaborating with Dr. Andy Galpin.

Here are some of our thoughts:

  • Is “no pain, no gain” still a good strategy, or is it overkill?
  • Is muscle soreness a good indicator that you worked out enough or too much?
  • If tearing muscle down isn’t the solution to muscle growth, what is?
  • What the relationship between building bigger muscles and building strength?

You can find Miguel on Instagram @mblacutt, and check out his podcast: The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle Podcast.

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Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd).

Produced by Jim McDonald

Production assistance by Connor O’Neal.

Theme by Aaron Moore.

Branding by Joseph Manzo.