Strongman is having a moment. More people are watching strongman related content. More people are involved in strongman training now, even if they don’t plan to compete. The bottom line is probably that it’s just fun, but is there more to it? We...
Strongman is having a moment. More people are watching strongman related content. More people are involved in strongman training now, even if they don’t plan to compete. The bottom line is probably that it’s just fun, but is there more to it?
We asked our friend Alan Thrall (owner of Sacramento’s Untamed Strength) to come talk about it and bring national strongman champ Joey Szatmary (owner of The Lion’s Den outside Philadelphia).
You can find Alan at @untamedstrength on IG and on YouTube athrall7. Joey is at @szatstrength .
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Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd).
Produced by Jim McDonald
Production assistance by Connor O’Neal @connoroneal.
Theme by Aaron Moore.
Branding by Joseph Manzo.