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Feb. 24, 2021

How do parents (or any busy people) fit fitness into family life? | Monthly Q&A

We’re setting a new pattern of episodes for the next few months. The final episode of each month will be a Q & A about…whatever you (our audience) want to talk about: previous episodes during the month, business, life, training, health, or whatever....

We’re setting a new pattern of episodes for the next few months. The final episode of each month will be a Q & A about…whatever you (our audience) want to talk about: previous episodes during the month, business, life, training, health, or whatever. Here are some of the questions we touched on this time: What happens if the Earth speeds up…or slows down? FMK – Cold brew, espresso, and brewed coffee? How’s the gym going so far? Is it a good idea to start two businesses at the same time? What’s the most critical thing to get right about a cold sales pitch? How do you fit working out into a busy life, especially if you’re a parent? Are ever going to be a regular “interview” show again? In the second week of March, we’re going to talk about the influence of the documentary “Pumping Iron” in an episode. send us your written comments or voice memos to social@50percentfacts.com. Subscribe for updates about our new gym (Third Street Barbell) and apparel line at 3sb.co! Local memberships and international fresh fits! Early access to the next drop on 2-14-21. Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Connor O’Neal @connoroneal. Theme by Aaron Moore. Branding by Joseph Manzo.