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Jan. 7, 2022

If you could delete one thing from the fitness world, what would it be? | Topic Thunder Mini-episode

If you could delete one thing from the fitness world, what would it be? | Topic Thunder Mini-episode

Which one thing do you think we’d be better off without? Is it a social media posturing? A training method? A useless supplement? Or is it just the ways that “fitness” is sold to us? Dean Saddoris of Caffeine & Kilos joined us in this discussion. You...

Which one thing do you think we’d be better off without? Is it a social media posturing? A training method? A useless supplement? Or is it just the ways that “fitness” is sold to us? Dean Saddoris of Caffeine & Kilos joined us in this discussion. You can find Dean on IG @deansaddoris.ck and at caffeineandkilos.com, along with our gym manager, Kyle Castro @kyle.castroo. Check out our gym (Third Street Barbell) at ThirdStreetBarbell.com and subscribe for updates about our apparel line at 3sb.co! Local memberships and international fresh fits! Get early access to our NEXT DROP! Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Sam McDonald. Theme by Aaron Moore. Branding by Joseph Manzo (@jmanzo523)