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One of my favorites
Always funny, always dropping knowledge and no fake stuff. Just some good guys teaching you about being a better person, better lifter, and having some laughs along the way. Been following Mike and Jim for a long time now and there’s a good reason for it.
This is an great podcast!! This show offers insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!! This show is a must listen!!
Ect Ect
Good podcast. Have enjoyed the more laid back and actually interview format the last few months vs the original format. Still miss the OG power cast but some loser had to ruin the best lifting related podcast ever with His selfishness. Keep up the good content guys! Ect Ect
Awesome Podcast!!
Jim, host of the 50% Facts podcast, highlights all aspects of health & fitness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Just a good sometimes educational time
Great concept for a podcast where we can actually learn something while having a little fun. It’s a great listen for anytime specially during these crazy stay inside times we are living these days. Keep rocking it the best episodes are when you bring in Omar or just don’t necessary have a planned topic and planned/not planned insanity ensues!!!
Love the approach to these health and fitness topics!
I really like the way Mike and Jim approach various topics in the health and fitness space. First kicking the topic back and forth with their own knowledge and experience then bringing in an expert to dive even deeper. Great idea and delivery!
Good stuff
My boys tell it like it is!
Mike talks like a mob boss now. Ditch the act.
This show is real
This podcast with Jim and Mike allowed me to heal my relationship with Depression. Helped me heal my relationship with overcoming anxiety. When you listen to this podcast, it’s like sitting in the room and quietly listening to your heroes having a normal conversation together.
Get in on this!
Excellent podcast! Mike & Jim get after awesome topics. What’s best about the show is that the content they offer comes to you in and out of their excellent rapport. You feel like you’re sitting with them chatting. Very entertaining. Secondly, the content is easy to retain, transferable, and helpful in that what the guest experts offer are is content that you could apply today to your life. Good, good stuff.
Awesome show!
Jim, Mike, and their weekly guest bring the perfect mix of banter and information. Love this show.
Fun informational podcast
this one is great for the condensed information and the top notch industry experts he brings in.
Great cast
Great podcast guys, no BS. Love it.
Dive in
Learn more than you thought there was to know about common topics in a short time in an easy to understand manner with some laughs thrown in
Excellent Listen!!
Great to hear a conversation that normally takes place with my buddies and I, but bringing in the expert is where it's at!! Totally relatable to most of my daily thoughts and convos!!
100% dope!
Great podcast - informative, humorous, and thought provoking. Mike and Jim are entertaining media personalities and surround themselves with the brightest subject matter experts. Definitely worth a listen at the gym, work, toilet, or wherever you enjoy podcasts.
Great content except too much unrelated content at the beginning
I love the idea and the content related to the conversation but please cut down on all the unrelated tangents for the first 15 minutes of the podcast.
Excited to hear you guys back together. Ready for all the good, entertaining content to come.
Thank you!
As someone who isn’t deep in the fitness game it is nice to have a resource to help me understand what everyone is talking about haha Thanks guys keep it up!
Did I just listen to the final episode of one of my favorite podcasts? Please help.
Great convo - heavy breathing!
If you want to hear some info on powerlifting, dieting, strength sports, and some cool interviews all interspersed with very heavy breathing - you’ve come to the right place! Fellow fat boys, rejoice! The time is now to continue our pursuit of strength, as slowly and as gracefully as our bodies will let us.
Greatest podcast for the fitness industry!!
Lots of great info and they do a really good job of keeping you entertained as well. I usually struggle to get through an entire podcast but mark's hilarious and I have no problem listening through one of his entire episodes.
Great content
Mark is inspiring and the content is amazing. 10/10 would recommend.
Solid Podcast
One of the many podcasts that I have on rotation. Whether its training related, or just rants about life philosophy, I consistently enjoy the content. I find myself coming to this one at times where I'm in the mood for some entertainment and some laughs as well as solid training content and principles
More than Power
Mark and Jim talk a wide range of topics generally centered around nutrition and power lifting but also general fitness. They talk life, goals, and motivating topics that have a place in all aspects of life not just specific to “fitness industry.” And they have on some pretty great guests and bring quite a bit of comedy to the listener as well.
Love the Bell bros ! 💙, Bucks
Amazing! Love this Smelly!
Lots of Love
I have listened to almost all of the episodes and have listened to many multiple times. IF YOU WANT TO BIG AND STRONG!! Then you should listen to ... ... ... Just kidding, GO LIFT SOME HEAVY WEIGHT AND DO IT OFFEN. Then repeat for the rest of your life. And don't eat like a you know what. But if you want to listen to some the great minds of the sport/lifestyle of lifting weights and being healthy than this is the podcast for you. They might have some big ol swol muscles and look intimidating, but they got bigger hearts and all they want to do is help you, the listener, by getting you quality information. Thankfully they do it in a very entertaining and fun way. I'm constantly laughing out loud listening to these guys and there guests. Thank you for all that you do!
Great podcast
I really enjoy listening to this podcast. It has great information with some humor.
Funny, informational, and motivating
Number one is this podcast is hilarious. Mark Bell is great and interacts so well with everyone. The typical dude humor is perfect here and I can't get enough. Jim Mcd is a great co-host and brings a viewpoint of the regular guy, has great questions, and just fits right in. There are a lot of great guests and great information from both the guest and Mark himself. Marks simple approach of hard work and consistency is a motivating attitude and I always can't wait for the next episode.
Best part of my days
Great podcast. Listen whenever I'm cooking/cleaning/driving. I had a question for the crew: for people who work out early in the morning, how do you suggest to warm up the body? As someone who only has the opportunity to workout in the early AM, it's really hard to get my joints and muscles warm at 5 am or so. Much love guys!