Should you be trying to get dates at the gym? | Topic Thunder (Mini-episode)
We discuss the rights and wrongs of trying to get dates, or even talk to strangers, at the gym. Can you do it without throwing up red flags? Are there times that it’s ok, and times it’s really not ok? Our friend and gym member Dan Storniuolo...
We discuss the rights and wrongs of trying to get dates, or even talk to strangers, at the gym. Can you do it without throwing up red flags? Are there times that it’s ok, and times it’s really not ok? Our friend and gym member Dan Storniuolo @stormcloud415 joins us, and our gym manager, Kyle Castro @kyle.castroo. You can check out the video version of this episode on Mike’s channel here. Check out our gym (Third Street Barbell) at and subscribe for updates about our apparel line at! Local memberships and international fresh fits! Get early access to our NEXT DROP! Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Sam McDonald. Branding by Joseph Manzo (@jmanzo523)