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Shaun White: The Last Run --- A 50% Facts Review

Snowboard phenom Shaun White faces the end of his storied Olympic career in this Prime Video documentary series. We take a look at the first episode of this four-part series chronicling his start as a skateboarder and surfer and how his whole family became obsessed with chasing the best snow-covered slopes all over the western US. How would you handle becoming a millionaire as a teenager?

Dean Saddoris joined us for this one. You can find Dean on IG @deansaddoris.ck and at caffeineandkilos.com


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Check out our podcast website: 50percentfacts.com https://www.50percentfacts.com/

50% Facts is a Spreaker Prime podcast on OCN – the Obscure Celebrity Network.


Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) https://www.instagram.com/silentmikke/ and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). https://www.instagram.com/thejimmcd/
Produced by Jim McDonald
Production assistance by Sam McDonald.
Theme by Aaron Moore.
Branding by Joseph Manzo (@jmanzo523)