Full transparency, the main question is discussed in the last 15 minutes of the show. In part 1, we talk about what we’ve been up to during our production break for the holidays and plans for some future episodes of the show. NOTE: Next week we’re...
Full transparency, the main question is discussed in the last 15 minutes of the show. In part 1, we talk about what we’ve been up to during our production break for the holidays and plans for some future episodes of the show. NOTE: Next week we’re going to discuss the HBO documentary “Fake Famous” (trailer here) and the relationship between the fitness/lifting community and social media. If you’ve watched the doc, send us your written comments or voice memos to social@50percentfacts.com. Next month, we’re going to talk about the influence of the documentary “Pumping Iron” in an episode.
In part 2, we’re joined by Eric (in New Zealand) and Omar (in Toronto). We really missed talking to these dudes! We talked about how we’ve all weathered the isolation of the pandemic, how current conditions have impacted our businesses, and whether we really even liked travel anyway.
Eric holds a BS in fitness and wellness, an MS in exercise science, a second masters in sports nutrition, a PhD in strength and conditioning, and is a research fellow for AUT at the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand.
Omar is a successful YouTube content creator from Canada, a partner with Mike Farr and Bart Kwan on Kizen Training, as well as pursuing other business ventures. He’s also a keen observer of media.
You can find Eric at 3DMuscleJourney.com and on Instagram: @helms3dmj
You can find Omar on his hugely successful YouTube channel. And Instagram as @omarisuf.
You can find them both on their podcast, Iron Culture. Check out the episode of Iron Culture we recorded with them the same day. It’s a nice companion piece.
Subscribe for updates about our new gym (Third Street Barbell) and apparel line at 3sb.co! Local memberships and international fresh fits!