We brought in two of our buddy Dan Stornaiuolo’s hilarious and engaging brothers, Dom and Mike, to give an outsider’s perspective on powerlifting accomplishments – particularly their “little” brother’s lifting. Don and Mike host the Bridge to Bridge Podcast featuring interviews with SF Bay Area sports figures. Both grew up as athletes, so we unpack and contrast training and competition experiences among various sports. Other questions that came up: Do Silent Mike and Dom look alike and what celebrities do they remind people of? What activities have they used to stay sane during the pandemic? Why can nobody locate their dad’s episode of “Dirty Jobs?” Did a van really run over Dan’s leg when he was a kid? This is part 1 of 2. You can find part 2 on an upcoming episode of The Bridge to Bridge podcast with Mike Stornaiuolo and Dominick Bei. And check out their Instagram @bridgetobridgepodcast Dan is @stormcloud415 on IG. Next week we’re going to talk about the influence of the documentary “Pumping Iron” in an episode. send us your written comments or voice memos to
social@50percentfacts.com. Subscribe for updates about our new gym (Third Street Barbell) and apparel line at 3sb.co! Local memberships and international fresh fits! Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Connor O’Neal @connoroneal. Theme by Aaron Moore. Branding by Joseph Manzo.