Welcome to our new website!
Oct. 7, 2020

What have we learned so far? (PLUS A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT)

Rather than surveying what we’ve learned doing this show so far, our 100th episode is a look back at the last few months of our experience of trying to open a gym…during a pandemic. Here are some of our thoughts: What’s been our biggest...

Rather than surveying what we’ve learned doing this show so far, our 100th episode is a look back at the last few months of our experience of trying to open a gym…during a pandemic.

Here are some of our thoughts:

  • What’s been our biggest challenge so far?
  • What’s been the biggest surprise?
  • Why do we think we have what it takes to be successful AND happy as gym owners?
  • Just how much bullshit is “getting comfortable with being uncomfortable?”
  • What are our biggest concerns and unknowns going forward?

Keep listening for the special announcement near the end.

Subscribe for updates about our new gym (Third Street Barbell) and apparel line at 3sb.co! Local memberships and international fresh fits!

Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd).

Produced by Jim McDonald

Production assistance by Connor O’Neal @connoroneal.

Theme by Aaron Moore.

Branding by Joseph Manzo.