For quite a while, we’ve been kicking around an idea. An awesome, but kinda scary idea. Some of our episodes lately have been centered around people we wanted to learn from and talk to about making this idea a reality. Maybe it was obvious. Maybe...
For quite a while, we’ve been kicking around an idea. An awesome, but kinda scary idea.
Some of our episodes lately have been centered around people we wanted to learn from and talk to about making this idea a reality. Maybe it was obvious. Maybe it wasn’t.
But, we’re finally ready to talk about it and make an announcement: We’re working on opening a gym – back in the very building where our podcasting journey started!
Our two other team members (Kyle Castro and Connor O’Neal) joined us for this special episode. Listen as we highlight our plans for moving forward, and subscribe for future updates about Third Street Barbell at
You can find Kyle on Instagram @kyle.castroo and Connor @connoroneal.
Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd).
Produced by Jim McDonald
Production assistance by Connor O’Neal.
Theme by Aaron Moore.
Branding by Joseph Manzo.