So last year we took a test to see if either of us is a sociopath. We came out OK on that one, so we thought we’d give a full, 300 question personality assessment a go. No, not the Myers-Briggs. This assessment is from and was developed by Nathan W. Hudson, an assistant professor of psychology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. The assessment measures five aspects of personality: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. We share our own results as we work through all the facets that make up these five characteristics. How accurate do we think the test is? And how do we think we might have changed over time? Can you decide to change your personality? Have a question for us? Hit us up on social media and use the hashtag #onegoodquestion. Listener resources Take the same free personality assessment that we took. Check out our gym (Third Street Barbell) at and subscribe for updates about our apparel line at! Local memberships and international fresh fits! Get early access to our NEXT DROP! Join our Discord for free! Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Sam McDonald. Theme by Aaron Moore. Branding by Joseph Manzo (@jmanzo523)