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Dec. 24, 2021

Best lifting shoes? | Topic Thunder Mini-episode

When did it become a thing to have specialized shoes for everything? Are flat shoes better than heeled shoes or vice versa? If you’re thinking about putting your Christmas money into lifting shoes…or you’ve got a really spec…
Dec. 23, 2021

What did we learn from running our first meet?

We partnered with Caffeine & Kilos to hold an unsanctioned deadlift meet at our gym. What did we find out that we didn’t know before? We’ve participated in running meets in the past, but this was our first shot at making it …
Dec. 17, 2021

What was your first definition of “fitness?” | Topic Thunder Mini-episode

We throw our minds back to our first ideas of what “fitness” meant when we were first exposed to it as kids. Was it gadgets like the Thighmaster? Was it Richard Simmons? Was it bodybuilding magazines in the supermarket? Oh, …
Dec. 16, 2021

King Richard | BioPic Review and Reaction

We’re taking our first jump into scripted film territory.   Will Smith stars as the father, and sometimes coach of, Venus and Serena Williams in this 2021 “definitely-not-a-documentary” biographical film. Does the film do ju…
Dec. 11, 2021

Should steroids be legal in sports? | Topic Thunder Mini-episode

MLB’s Hall of Fame recently voted on a slate of potential inductees from baseball’s “steroid era.” The game benefited from the performance of these players. Specifically, they helped bring enthusiasm and crowd back to the sp…
Dec. 9, 2021

Top Fitness Trends for 2022?

We take our year-end traditional look at what websites and bloggers project to be the top fitness trends for next year. Hybrid workouts, new wearables, outdoor workouts, and bringing (say it with us ) balance. How likely do …
Dec. 4, 2021

Is movement really the medicine? | Topic Thunder Mini-episode

We recently (episode #155) accidentally posted the opening of an episode about chiropractors, stretching, and foam rolling with the body of an episode about fitness gimmick devices. Honest mistake, since they all fit into th…
Dec. 2, 2021

How do you keep your head together while you’re getting your gainz back? | December Q & A

After some period of time away from the gym, how do you deal with the mental impact of being WAY off your PRs? Are meal replacements worth or it or a good idea? What have we learned that we didn’t know while making this show…
Nov. 26, 2021

Shaming: Fit, Fat, and all the other kinds | Topic Thunder Mini-episode

Does shaming actually motivate anyone? Why shame someone else anyway? And they really just shaming themselves? We talk through our thoughts. Dean Saddoris of Caffeine & Kilos joined us in this discussion. You can find Dean o…
Nov. 24, 2021

The Commissioner of Power | Documentary Review and Reaction

It’s fitting that Rogue Fitness would decide to underwrite an expansive documentary on the life of Terry Todd -- a name known to many in the strength world for decades. As a lifter and coach, he was a formative presence in O…
Nov. 19, 2021

What do we hate to see in the gym? | Topic Thunder (Mini-episode)

Is curling in the squat rack a huge break of gym etiquette or just a practical solution? Is loading the leg press up with every plate in the gym, five linebackers, and 7 cheerleaders a good move? Does training on an inflated…
Nov. 17, 2021

Home gyms (revisited) | The North Pull | w/Caffeine & Kilos

In a bit of a mashup between a regular 50% Facts and one our shorter Topic Thunder episodes, we sat down with our friends from Caffeine & Kilos to take another swing the advantages and disadvantages of home gyms. We also hit…
Nov. 12, 2021

What’s a good protein source and why does everyone think it’s peanut butter? | Topic Thunder (Mini-episode)

Everybody loves peanut butter, or do they? Many people love it so much that they think it’s a great protein source, but it’s not relative to its calorie count. We talk about the allure of nut butters, what we like and don’t …
Nov. 11, 2021

The Tillman Story: Documentary review

The Tillman Story: Documentary review Pat Tillman, who walked away from NFL millions to join the Army and was later killed, is a legendary heroic figure. What was the real story of his death by friendly fire? This documentar…
Nov. 6, 2021

Should you be trying to get dates at the gym? | Topic Thunder (Mini-episode)

We discuss the rights and wrongs of trying to get dates, or even talk to strangers, at the gym. Can you do it without throwing up red flags? Are there times that it’s ok, and times it’s really not ok? Our friend and gym memb…
Nov. 3, 2021

Two physical therapists who powerlift explain why sometimes moving “wrong” is actually right

We’re lucky to have not one, but two physical therapy docs as members of our gym. We sat down with Emily Snee and Dominic Violi to discuss what it really takes to get back in the game, and the stuff that’s probably just a wa…
Oct. 29, 2021

Foam rollers, mobility, etc.: What interventions actually helped us? | Topic Thunder (Mini-episode)

We discuss which strategies for dealing with the aches and pains of both lifting and life have worked for us. We’ve seen both scams and actual relief. We’re joined on the panel by Dean Saddoris of Caffeine and Kilos, and our…
Oct. 28, 2021

How do you escape from a scary religious cult? | The Way Down docu-series parts 2 and 3

In this episode, we discuss the final chapters of The Way Down. These episodes cover the impact on the lives and families of the cult surrounding the Remnant Fellowship and diet guru Gwen Shamblin Lara. Many former members d…
Oct. 22, 2021

Should stringers be banned? | Topic Thunder (Mini-episode)

We take a lighthearted look at the world’s most minimal gym wear. Are stringer tanks a fashion statement or just a way to get around the rules that make you wear a shirt in the gym? Should they be banned, or should only some…
Oct. 21, 2021

What happens when a diet guru launches a scary religious cult? | The Way Down docu-series Part 1

The author of the bestselling diet book The Weigh Down, Gwen Shamblin, appeared on national TV talk shows and sold her weight loss philosophy to people across America. Especially churchgoers. By 1999, she had essentially sta…
Oct. 15, 2021

What sucks (and doesn’t suck) about home gyms? | Topic Thunder (Mini-episode)

In this mini-episode, we share are thoughts and experiences with lifting in home gyms versus commercial gyms.  The pandemic forced a lot of people into home gym situations. Some people hated it, while others joined the ranks…
Oct. 14, 2021

Ba-dee-ya, Myers Briggs, and canceling Gruden?

To what extent is “canceling” someone in 2021 just a way to take someone off the board? Does intent matter? And can people really be educated/rehabilitated? We take a look at the recent scandal around former Raiders’ head co…
Oct. 8, 2021

Who you gonna let yuck your organic yum? | Topic Thunder (Mini-episode)

Welcome to another short Friday episode of the show we’re now calling “Topic Thunder with the Gossip Boyz” (subject to change). In this episode, we discuss not so much whether organic food is better but whether we should pay…
Oct. 7, 2021

More things people say without knowing what they mean w/ Dan Storniuolo

Dipping back into a kind of causal series we’ve been doing about common words are phrases that we use all the time, but we may not entirely understand: Do you really want someone to “break a leg?” Does “getting the upper han…