No expert this episode due to some availability issues on our side. We talk about how we’re filing time during this lockdown and address an issue that a lot of people have asked us about privately the last few days. “With gr…
Today’s episode of 50% Facts is somewhat delayed but will appear later today. In the meantime, check out this episode of the This is Actually Happening podcast from Whit Missildine entitled “What if you were a human shield?”…
Challenging times right now. How retain your sense of self well enough to meet them head on? We turned to Dr. Reef Karim, a leading expert in human behavior, to help us understand how we as humans react to prolonged stress a…
The world is packing a lot of fear and anxiety into every day right now. That can complicate anyone’s emotions (and diet). It's especially for those of us who tend to be emotional eaters. Is staying away from the foods we l…
We invited our old friend and training partner, Fat Dan, into the studio to talk about his private security business, and the disruptions were all facing in the wake of the Coronavirus. Why do people continue to put themsel…
While waiting around for a guest who we couldn’t quite reach on the phone, we talked ended up talking about some things that people strive for that are hard…or even impossible to reach. Similar to a recent episode of the po…
A few weeks ago, our good friend Jacob Ross was very sick but he didn’t know it. What he thought was a pinched nerve turned out to be a dangerous, and potentially lethal, accumulation of fluid around his heart. He’s much bet…
A special treat for 50% Facts listeners: We're helping introduce a new science podcast called, "Life's Little Mysteries." Life's Little Mysteries is the newest Audioboom original podcast and co-production with Live Science.…
We’re not runners, so we’re definitely not racers. We followed up last week’s episode on starting to run with a conversation about setting a goal to compete on one of a couple of popular types of races. Both of these have la…
A lot of people grew up running for sports, but plenty of people stop just as soon as they can and never do it again. We ask runners James Van Prooyen & Rich Nicholes to tell us how to get started (or started again). Once y…
We finally connect with Kalle Beck, the man behind If you saw the Facebook commercial during the Super Bowl, the Oscars, etc., you’ve seen Kalle and some of the members of the online strongman communit…
Our good friend Omar Isuf is in town, so he joined us for a conversation in which we actually talk quite a bit about celebrity, fitness, and how Omar accomplished his recent transformation? So much of the coverage of celebr…
In a “just us” episode, we take a look at a couple articles claiming to track the top fitness trends for 2020 – notably one from Will personal trainers really be like rock stars in 2020? Are you really working out hard eno…
Some programs claim to have been written for beginning lifters. Others for intermediates, etc. How do you when you’re past the beginner stage, and how much does it really matter? We asked Greg Nuckols to break it down for us…
Does women’s training really need an entirely different approach or just a couple tweaks? We asked Greg Nuckols, someone who recently wrote an article on this topic, to break it down for us. Here are some of our thoughts: D…
New Year. New avalanche of fitness and nutrition-related studies to confuse the resolutionistas (and the rest of us). How are we supposed to decide which ones to believe? We asked Greg Nuckols, someone who spends a lot of ti…
The next regular episode will drop on Jan 8, but we thought we’d have some fun and throw in this holiday bonus episode. We both saw “The Rise of Skywalker” so we talked through our thoughts and opinions. We also used the Bus…
We take a look back at all of this year’s happenings and episodes. We talk about our favorite episodes of the year, our favorite answers from experts, and the answers we got the MOST wrong. Thanks to everyone who listened an…
We were frankly confused. What are people talking about when they refer to Intuitive Eating? Is it a weight loss strategy or something else? We asked Miguel Blacutt to explain the role of intuitive eating. He’s a Masters stu…
We’ve always heard that muscle grows when you break it down through exercise, lifting weights, etc. In fact, we’ve always been told that it was the ONLY way, but is that really true? We asked Miguel Blacutt , someone who has…
Ever since Michael Phelps won Olympic gold medals for swimming looking like his back had been attacked by a giant octopus, athletes have been having suction cups stuck to their bodies. Long before that people had tiny needle…
Way back in episode 15, we talked to Dr. Jordan Shallow – a chiropractor – about this question. This time we pose it to a physical therapist. We asked Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT for his insight. Dr. Willsey, is a co-founder of Ci…
Stretching is one of those topics that seems to get a major revision every few years. What’s the current thinking? We asked Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT for his insight. Dr. Willsey, is a co-founder of Citizen Athletics, a doctor o…
How many times have you felt twinge in your back while lifting – or even doing something that’s not strenuous at all – and thought, “What the hell did I just do to myself?” Since chronic back pain costs the American economy …