Our best-est friend from north of the border joins us in studio. Omar has been a force in YouTube fitness for years, and last year he led “Ancient Workouts with Omar” in association with the History Channel.
We launched i…
We’re still in Topic Thunder mode this week.
Our panel tries to find agreement (or not) with the suggestion that training deadlifts the risks if you’re not a competitive powerlifter.
Are they actually dangerous? Or…
We’re still in Topic Thunder mode this week.
Our panel unpacks this hot take, “Hook grip Is unreliable and may be overrated.”
Hook grip is a bandwagon that most lifters jump on at one time or another to try to up their…
Our panel takes on a couple of related questions about the giant meet we just ran from members of our Discord:
AR17 asked, “What do you believe was the most under (over) looked aspect of running/ prepping a meet?”
We just hosted a great big meet – maybe the largest local USAPL meet ever – and we’re beat so we’re slipping into Topic Thunder mode for a bit to recover our calm and our voices.
Topic Thunder episodes are short, sometime…
This week’s question from our Discord:
EvilFern asked, “How important is having a mentor? Am I missing out by not having one? Feel like it's something that should happen naturally instead of seeking one out somehow.”
Joe Stanek of Gameday Barbell joins us for this discussion. You can find Joe on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@thejoestanek
Have a question for one of our Friday “One Good Question” episodes? Hit us up on socia…
This week’s question from our Discord:
ArrogantFool asked, “Why do people use ground turkey instead of ground beef to lose weight when the macros and calories are nearly identical and there isn't a cost advantage?” We ki…
Where’s the line between holding an organization accountable for turning a blind eye to unspeakable acts and stirring an angry mob to chase Frankenstein’s monster with torches and pitchforks? (Are there any more metaphors we…
Dean Saddoris is back to help us break down the first episode of the new Netflix documentary series “Break Point,” which documents up-and-coming tennis stars during the 2022 Grand Slam season.
Gifted “bad boy” Nick Kyrgios …
This episode is about reacting to a hot take that was sent to us:
Most people are putting in such low effort in the gym, it’s a waste of time!
Our own Kyle Castro and Sebastian Brambila on Instagram join us for thi…
Pete’s on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/pete.rubish/ and his website https://www.koa-strong.com/
Have a question for one of our Friday “One Good Question” episodes? Hit us up on social media and use …
Our own gym manager Kyle Castro and lead trainer Avi Lieu join us for this one. Kyle’s on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/kyle.castroo/ and Avi on https://www.instagram.com/avi.lieu.
Have a question for one…
Our own Kyle Castro and Sebastian Brambila on Instagram join us for this one. Kyle’s on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/kyle.castroo/ and Sebastian at https://www.instagram.com/sebastian_brambila.
Have a qu…
Our own Kyle Castro and Sebastian Brambila on Instagram join us for this one. Kyle’s on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/kyle.castroo/ and Sebastian at https://www.instagram.com/sebastian_brambila.
Have a qu…
This week’s question from our Discord:
Frequent contributor Keith Honeycutt asked, “What are some unexpected changes you have had to make to the gym or your business model since opening the doors?”
Our own Kyle Castro…
We’re in Topic Thunder mode for most of our episodes over the holiday break.
What’s Topic Thunder? It’s the name of our roughly 10-minute “rant” show with a four-member panel who throw out as ideas as possible about a parti…
It’s the time of year that everyone is making resolutions. Maybe a better idea is to set goals.
Resolutions sound like goals, but they’re really just things you want to change about yourself. They try to make a positive out…
This week’s One Good Question comes from our Discord:
Iced-T asks:
“Why is it that I keep seeing people offer coaching but they have a coach themselves? No hate here just a good example, I have noticed Mike keeps refer…
Our friend and local gym (HyperThrive Athletics) owner, Joe Grinstain, got bored with powerlifting meets and decided to find something else to compete in. He chose running, and he recently qualified for the 2024 Boston Marat…
In fitness, in social media, in life period, there are some words we’re just sick of hearing. Do you have any? Like if we never heard the word “liver” again…
Have a question for one of our Friday “One Good Questio…
Every December for the past few years, we’ve chosen an article from mainstream media that attempts to predict the next year’s fitness trends. Then, we discuss which one’s actually have a chance of happening, and which are re…
This week’s question came from Avi’s social media. It went a little off the rails, but we had fun with it.
You can find Avi on Instagram @avi.lieu.
Have a question for one of our Friday “One Good Question” ep…
Riffing on the YouTube expose by More Plates More Dates (which can be found here -- and our own view of the industry -- we cover some of the reasons why we never bought “Liver King” Brian Johnson’s “natty” claims in the firs…