SuperTraining.TV - Captured Live on Ustream at Single and multi-ply squats.
Live @ 10 am Pacific Nov. 3 and 4
What is Ed Coan doing over a year after his hip replacement? And whose ass is he planning to kick? Ed will be at the Backyard Meet of the Century this weekend at Super Training. We can't wait!
GBuff plays around with a possible opener. Mark and Robot do block pulls. Big Bird and Chris squat against bands.
Recorded around midnight the night before the 2012 Olympia, Super Training's Juan Laija jumps in with Eric Spoto and some of his training partners. Stick around 'til the end for an interview with Eric about his speed day training. This version includes voiceover commentary by Mark Bell -- sponsored by…
Recorded around midnight the night before the 2012 Olympia, Super Training's Juan Laija jumps in with Eric Spoto and some of his training partners. Stick around 'til the end for an interview with Eric about his speed day training. Standard 12 Bar Blues Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons:…
The creator of CarbNite and Carb Backloading shares some advice about finding the right answer.
Shirted benches for Juan, Reilly, Mark and Robot.
No need for a onscreen title with the name of this powerlifting legend. One of the best parts of traveling with ST over the years has been many of us getting to know Ed Coan. Ed's an incredible resource but most of all, he's a great guy to hang out…
Stan's incredible 905 lb raw squat from three different angles. View the full session, in which Dan Green also squatted 800 raw here:
Recorded on 10-6-2012 at Super Training Gym. Training session for the World's Greatest Backyard Meet, Nov. 3 at Super Training in Sacramento, CA. Read the blog at:
Dynamic squats and speed pulls. Production daily.
Free squats and squats into chains. Raw and geared. (Temporary new opening and closing due to a software change.)
Raw footage daily. Short vid. Juan 705 2 board.
AJ Roberts shares the advice that led him to a world recordbreaking performance on the powerlifting platform...and no doubt lingers as he pursues his goals in the CrossFit world.
Recorded on Sept. 29, 2012. I did not research the lifters, weights or the outcomes of each lift. This is a combination of some lifts from the second and third flights.
Dan competed in the 220 lb weight class. This was his second attempt.
Max effort straight weight box squats...raw and geared. Robot and Silent Mike weigh in with commentary. At the end, I think the boys are saying that they're only down with twinks...but I could be wrong. (Actually, some video comments about the guys here on YouTube have been a bit stalker-ish…