Treston, Dave and Gbuff do dynamic squats with the cambered bar against bands.
Mark talks us through some of the mobility drills he uses then does some speed pulls.
Shirt work for Mark, Cove, Spence, Dave and Robot. Robot benches 600 full range.
Team members are starting to tune up their squats for an upcoming meet.
Speed bench session for most of the crew with some shirt work for Janet and Big Bird.
Robot, Damon, Dave and Silent Mike (raw) do some safety bar squats with bands.
One of our favorites...floor presses with chains....for Mark, Robot, Damon and Jim. Shirt work for Dave, Cove and Juan. Juan takes a run at 700 lbs.
Mark, Robot and Silent Mike pull against chains. Cove, Dave and Damon do some reverse band pulls. Janet and Tara get in some raw squats.
Raw pulls for Jim and Silent Mike. Gear squats for Dave and Robot...including Robot's 905 reverse band.
Pretty epic dynamic session with two 1,000 lbs+ squatters, two lightweights who squat over 700 and a couple guys trying to keep up. (One of them is raw...)
Mark goes back to a familiar shirt and shows his second barbell exercise.
Very busy night of raw and geared squats and deadlifts with the team.
Lots of squatting and pulling action all over the gym.
Shirt work for Cara, Juan and Robot. Raw for everybody else.
Powerlifter, former pro wrestler, and now the force behind Big Bully Nutrition, Nick Busick offers the best advice he ever received about training.
Brian Shaw competes with a torn biceps. Derek Poundstone pumps out 5 reps non-stop.
Raw pulls and squats. Reverse band deads for Cara and Chris. Low(ish) box squats squats for Robot, Cove and Reilly.
Mark Bell and Silent Mike do some raw sumo pulls with chains.
Jesse Burdick shares some advice from a favorite coach.
Spence has a good raw session while Robot and Cove squat in gear. Mark shares some recent insights about the safety squat bar.
Mark does giant cambered bar squats against bands. Cara does safety bar squats.