Commentary videos are back! This session was recorded before our trip to the Arnold. Lots of deadlifts and some squats into chains.
There are two kinds of pain...which one do you want?
What one change helped Stan take his raw squat to the World Record level?
Westside benching in the Animal Cage. Does it get any better than that? Includes Jay Fry's 725 lb 1 board and Dave Hoff's 875 lb 2 board and 945 lb 1 board.
What do you do when people doubt what you can accomplish? Matt has an answer.
What's the best advice you ever received? First of a casual series of one question interviews with people from the strength community.
Raw squat record holder and bodybuilder Sam Byrd squats with no belt, no wraps, and NO HANDS in the Cage.
Sling Shot Challenge winner Allen Baria talks about how he started building his huge 650 raw bench press.
Mike squats a new WR on Friday, March 2, 2012 at the USAPL Raw Challenge at the Arnold.
Dave Hoff and the Westside guys in the Animal Cage. I was trying hard to stay out of the way of the live stream cam, so I was stuck with the camera on one side of Dave's face for a while. This one was too good to wait to get…
Mark Bell breaks down his recent meet. What went right, what went wrong and what to take forward into the next time around.
Buffalo bar squats against bands with Robot, Austin, Cove and Damon.
GBuff, Spence, Reilly and Matt doing Thompson style max effort squats.
Jesse competed deadlift only at the February 26, 2012 SPF Super Training Open. This version includes commentary by Mark Bell.
Former Olympic lifter Max Aita squats 666 lbs and 705 lbs in this video from the SPF Super Training Open on February 26, 2012.
Jesse competed deadlift only at the February 26, 2012 SPF Super Training Open.
Mostly a shirt session (Robot, Damon, Big Jim) with some raw benches from Treston and Tim.
Speed and shirted benches and some assistance work.
Highlights: Cara and Damon try the dip. Nice SSB squats from Robot and Janet.
This next session (part 2 of 2-18) is all dynamic squats against bands. .
Some Thompson style max effort, some dynamic squats and some pulls.